Features such as endianness, CPU identification, and other hardware basics work just as they do on a genuine computer. 一些特性,如字节顺序、CPU一致性以及其他硬件基本特性就像在一台真实计算机上一样运行正常。
About 18 months ago, Microsoft launched the controversial Windows Genuine Advantage tool, a piece of software that checks computer systems to see if users are operating genuine, licensed software. 约18个月前,微软发布了备受争议的windowsgenuineadvantage工具,该软件会检查用户的电脑系统,查看用户是否在运行得到许可的正版软件。
However, by utilizing quantum entangled states as its kernel physical resource, it does realize all required functions of the genuine quantum computer. 但是,由于利用了纠缠态作为它的核心物理资源,它的确实现了量子计算机的功能。